Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cadastre Modernization Project for Turkey
The Cadastre Modernization Project for Turkey is to contribute to government agenda to improve quality and effectiveness of public services through spreading and making effective e-government applications. The specific objective of the project is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the land registry and cadastre services. This objective will be achieved through: (i) renovating and updating cadastre maps to support digital cadastre and land registry information; (ii) making the digital land registry and cadastre information available to public and private entities; (iii) improving customer services in land registry and cadastre offices; (iv) improving human resources in the Turkish Land Registry and Cadastre Agency (TKGM); and (v) developing policies and capacity to introduce in Turkey best international practices in property valuation. The project will include the following components: (i) cadastre and land registry renovation and updating, which will support the conversion (into digital format), updating and integration of existing analogue and digital cadastre information, land registry and related data, into updated, accurate, consistent and standardized legally agreed cadastral renovated digital map and data sets, that will be available for entry into TAKBIS; (ii) improved service delivery, which will support the modernization of the TKGM infrastructure so as to improve TKGM's ability to provide core services to the Government and citizens of Turkey; (iii) human resources and institutional development, which will support the development of strategic plans and human resources development plans to ensure that the TKGM personnel skills match the strategic needs of the organization; and (iv) project management. This component will finance the project management costs, including the procurement and financial management consultants, the incremental operation costs to supervise the central and field activities, and the monitoring and evaluations costs including the costs of customer surveys. The project focuses on improving government services. While most of project investments are oriented towards renovation of cadastre, the ultimate objective of the operation is to improve government services in registering property rights and in providing land and real estate information to public and private sectors.